Dodge County receives Livestock Friendly designation

3 Dec 2013


Aricle By: Fremont Tribune   |   Chris Zavadil

Dodge County became the 23rd Nebraska county to receive the Nebraska Department of Agriculture’s Livestock Friendly County designation. The program recognizes counties that actively support the livestock industry, and assists counties in promoting the livestock industry.

“It’s so very important that we go through the effort to get these Livestock Friendly designations to let everybody know that Dodge County is open for business when it comes to livestock production,” Heidemann said.

The designation, Dodge County Supervisors Chairman Bob Missel said, “is a true honor.”

“It’s certainly my hope, with this designation, that this takes us one step closer to hopefully entertaining potentially a dairy farm coming to Dodge County,” Missel said. “It’s something a lot of us have talked about, and we know how wonderful that would be to bring a dairy farm to Dodge County, and we know that there’s that potential out there, that they are looking, it’s just being ready for them and being able to offer the things that they would require. We know we have a lot of things they need in abundance. I think that by achieving this designation, it takes us one step closer.”

“As the hub and largest community of Dodge County,” Fremont Mayor Scott Getzschman said, “we’re extremely excited for this because we know that ag production, grain production, has a residual effect, and the tax dollars that it creates, not only for Dodge County, but for Fremont and for Fremont Public Schools, all enhance our growth.

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