Fremont Municipal Inland Port Authority
The City of Fremont and Dodge County have come together to create the Fremont Municipal Inland Port Authority District. This 1,500 acre site is bordered by Union Pacific Railroad and a 4-lane divided highway making it a prime location and already zoned for industrial development.
For more information about our site contact Megan Skiles at (402)753-8126 or by email at

Potential Site Development
News Articles

The state of Nebraska’s longest serving governor, Dave Heineman is among Mayor Joey Spellerberg’s appointees to Fremont’s first inland port authority board. The proposed 1,500-acre industrial site and logistics hub is a long-term effort to promote economic development in eastern Nebraska, including greater Fremont and the Omaha metropolitan area.FREMONT, Neb.,...

The state of Nebraska’s first inland port authority gives Fremont’s future new momentum. The new port authority district is 1,500 acres of prime land for industrial development just south of the city of Fremont in Dodge County, Nebraska.(FREMONT, NEB.) – For city and county leaders, the Fremont-Dodge Municipal Inland Port...

Fremont City Council and Dodge County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an interlocal agreement allowing the region to pursue Nebraska's Municipal Inland Port Authority Act, designating an area and mechanism for industrial development. GFDC is eager to continue supporting this tremendous project for our community!Click here for the complete article.