Get to Know Your GFDC Board of Directors - Scott Meister

3 Jun 2022
Scott Meister, Treasurer
Pinnacle Bank
Website Link:
Why do you believe in the Greater Fremont Development Council?
As a community banker we want to be a part of a strong and growing community. In order for Fremont to achieve the goal of being a strong and growing community we need to have a thriving and expanding business environment. I believe the most efficient way to have a successful business recruiting and retention effort is to have a public/private partnership such as the Greater Fremont Development Council lead those efforts.
Why do you want to serve on the Board of Directors of the Greater Fremont Development Council?
I have always been active in community groups during my banking career. Being on the board of the GFDC enables me to contribute my knowledge and expertise toward achieving the goals of the organization. It excites me to be an integral part of the process in recruiting and retaining terrific businesses in Fremont & Dodge County.
Why do you live and work in the Greater Fremont area?
I was born and raised in Fremont and left after high school with no intention of ever returning to my hometown. Seventeen years later I had an opportunity to join a locally owned small bank and help them grow the bank. That was 24 years ago and I am still here and loving the small but large town attributes of Fremont and the closeness of the business community. We are definitely becoming a place that people and businesses are considering to be their home.
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