Building Career Opportunity Awareness in Fremont

13 Mar 2023
Workforce retention and development is an important part of the equation for a healthy economy here in Fremont. Fortunately, Fremont High School has a program called School to Career that gives local high school students the opportunity to learn about the career paths available right here in our community, and learn important skills needed as they prepare for life after graduation.
This quarter, GFDC was lucky enough to have a FPS rock-star job shadow with us. As one of her projects, Maggie wrote a blog for us about the School to Career experience. Check it out below!
Hello, my name is Maggie McClain and I am currently a senior at Fremont High School. This past quarter I have been fortunate with the opportunity to do school to career placement at the Greater Fremont Development Council. I also have done School to Career at the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce at the end of my junior year. I have been very blessed to have worked with these two great businesses as they have opened my eyes to all the different opportunities Fremont has to offer. Having the opportunity to shadow these places has shown me that business is the path that I want to take in my future. Being able to have firsthand experience at the GFDC and the Chamber will help me in the long run while trying to pursue a career in business. During my time in School to Career I have worked with all different fields of business: economics, accounting, marketing, business attraction, and management. Getting experience in all the different areas has shown me the ins and outs of business, and will prepare me for college and the years beyond that.
What is School to Career?
School to Career is a program at Fremont High School where students in grades 11th and 12th get to job shadow a career field that they are interested in. School to career is a 5-credit class that is attended every school day for one hour. Some students go to teachers in high school and do whatever the teachers' needs are. There is also a program through Methodist Fremont Health, where students have to apply and if they get accepted they get to job-shadow at the hospital. Through the program at the hospital, students encounter many different medical careers. Some show areas of the hospital include the cardiac center, the blood area, and surgical procedures. Other students have gone to local businesses, physical therapy centers, and law firms all in Fremont. Fremont High is very lucky to have such a great program to help students pursue a career they are passionate about.
“We try to match students with what they try to do after high School. School to Career allows students to participate in careers that they can be successful in after graduation.”-Mollie Brown (School to Career Coordinator)
Emmalee Sheppard is a senior at Fremont High School and plans to attend Midland University to major in education and sports psychology. This past school year, Emmalee has had the opportunity to participate in School to Career at Milliken Park in Mrs. Larsen's kindergarten class. “School to Career has prepared me for the future by getting first-hand experience in the classroom. I have enjoyed getting to see the growth that the kindergarteners have made from when my job shadowed the first quarter to third quarter.” - Emmalee Sheppard
“We have had around 30 students job shadow at audio visual in the past 25 years. We enjoy getting to develop students and finding out what their talents and interests are and what they plan to do in the future.” - Scott Givens, Audio Video specialist.
If your business is interested in providing a career experience for a student in the future, please contact Mollie Brown, at
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