The Small Business Education Series is back again in Fremont

7 Apr 2023
Small businesses are the backbone of local communities, and in 2023, the Greater Fremont Development Council is proud to offer a series of Small Business Education sessions, aimed at providing valuable tools and insights to help these businesses thrive. The series began with a successful session on Excel 101, and there are four more sessions planned throughout 2023. 3 of these sessions will be held in collaboration with the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce.
The first session, held on Tuesday, March 28th, was hosted in collaboration with Topics@12. The course material was provided by Brandon Zobel of ProsperSpark. Nearly 30 professionals and community members attended the session, where they learned about Excel tips, tricks, dos, and don’ts. This session gave attendees valuable insights into using Excel to improve their business operations and set the stage for the upcoming sessions.
The remaining sessions are scheduled over lunch at the FSB&T Co. Education Center, and registration is free for all participants. The next session, set for June, will focus on Marketing, where participants will learn about effective strategies for promoting their business and reaching new customers. This session will be followed by Credit Building in September, where attendees will learn about the importance of building credit and how to establish and maintain good credit for their business.
The October session will be an all-day Quickbooks Training, aimed at providing participants with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively manage their business finances. This session is precious for small business owners who may not have extensive financial backgrounds but must keep accurate financial records to make informed decisions about their businesses.
The final session, set for November, will focus on Tax Prep, where attendees will learn about important tax laws and regulations that apply to small businesses, and receive tips for managing their finances during tax season.
All sessions will be led by local experts and organizations that have long histories of providing exceptional business assistance. The Greater Fremont Development Council is thrilled to offer these sessions free of charge.
The Small Business Education Series provides small business owners and professionals a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and skills to help their businesses thrive. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other small business owners, learn from experts, and gain valuable knowledge that they can immediately apply to their businesses.
In summary, the 2023 Small Business Education Series in collaboration with the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce’s Topics @12 kicked off successfully with Excel 101 in March. The series will continue with Marketing in June, Credit Building in September, Quickbooks Training in October, and Tax Prep in November. All sessions are free of charge and led by local experts, making them a valuable resource for small businesses looking to grow and succeed. Register now on the Fremont Area Chamber website to secure a spot in these informative sessions.
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