FAMC Receives Award from Governor

12 Oct 2012

Member News


Governor Dave Heineman presented Fremont Area Medical Center (FAMC) with the Governor’s Wellness Award at a luncheon in Lincoln on September 27. The award honors Nebraska employers for efforts in promoting workplace wellness. Nebraska is one of only a handful of states nationwide that honors wellness efforts of employers.

“These awards recognize employers for their serious commitment to employee well-being,” said Gov. Heineman. “Prevention and wellness efforts in the workplace have produced higher productivity, better employee satisfaction and helped control health care costs. Wellness works every time. These programs are helping more Nebraskans lead healthier lives.”

Factors considered for the award included the level of support for the program by company leaders, assessment of employee needs, wellness plan design, outcomes and benefits, and policies supporting healthy behaviors. Wellness programs typically provide employees with health education, health screenings and opportunities for exercise.

“FAMC has made it a priority to establish a successful employee wellness program,” said Brett Richmond, Vice President Professional Services at FAMC. “FAMC’s mission is to improve the health and wellness of the community, and one way to do that is to start with our own employees.”

As part of its employee health program, FAMC offers health risk appraisals, employee wellness days that include discounted wellness blood draws, a YMCA membership, educational classes, and an employee wellness incentive program that offers insurance premium discounts.

Twenty-six Nebraska employers received an award in one of two categories: Sower or Grower. FAMC received the Sower Award, which recognizes workplaces that have established quality wellness programs. Only four Nebraska companies earned the Grower Award, which honors businesses and organizations that take wellness to the next level, demonstrating significant improvement in employee health status through their wellness programs.

Awards are presented annually and are good for three years. The award program is a partnership of the Office of the Governor, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and WorkWell, Inc.