Take the Mystery out of the Affordable Care Act During U.S. Small Business Administration Seminar in Lincoln
24 Oct 2013
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Nebraska District Office and the Lincoln chapter of SCORE will offer a seminar designed to take the mystery out of provisions of the Affordable Care Act which potentially affect small business owners Friday, Nov. 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the auditorium at the Southeast Community College Entrepreneur Center, 301 S. 68th St. Place, Lincoln.
The Affordable Care Act includes a variety of measures specifically for small businesses that help lower premium cost growth and increase access to quality, affordable health insurance. Depending on whether a small business owner is self-employed, with fewer than 25 employees, with fewer than 50 employees, or an employer with 50 or more employees, different provisions of the Affordable Care Act may apply.
This seminar is particularly timely with open enrollment in the new Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) beginning Oct. 1. Learn how this program offers small employers buying power similar to what large businesses have to get better choices and lower prices. The SHOP marketplaces will work with new insurance reforms and tax credits provided by the Affordable Care Act to help lower barriers that small employers face when trying to offer health insurance to their employees.
In addition to the segment on the Affordable Care Act, there will be a presentation on an important source of financing for entrepreneurs: SBA guaranteed loan programs. The SBA provides short- and long-term guaranteed loans to eligible, credit-worthy start-ups and existing small businesses that cannot obtain financing on reasonable terms through normal lending channels. Learn more about the 7(a) program, which guarantees eligible projects up to $5 million, and smaller loan programs perfect for sole proprietors and start-ups.
A representative from the Lincoln chapter of SCORE also will be on hand during the event. SCORE members are trained to serve as counselors, advisors and mentors to aspiring entrepreneurs and current business owners; their high-quality services are offered at no fee as a community service to small businesses.
This seminar is open to the public; those in attendance are invited to bring a lunch to the event.
For more information regarding SBA, please visit our website at: www.sba.gov/ne