GFDC is taking Developer Applications for Workforce Housing Projects
20 Jul 2018
Greater Fremont Development Council is taking Developer Applications for the Dodge County Investment Fund. First round deadline for submitting a developer loan application is August 15, 2018.
The Greater Fremont Development Council is pleased to announce that the Dodge County Investment Fund (DCIF) “ Loan Application” is now available for developer’s seeking to develop workforce housing in Dodge County, Nebraska. The purpose of the Dodge County Investment Fund (DCIF) is to provide "gap" financing to developers of workforce housing and homebuyers consistent with the Workforce Housing Investment Act.
Developers can access the application online at The DCIF will support workforce housing projects for rental, single-family, and multi-family units, rehabilitation and upper level housing; as well as a homebuyer assistance program for those new to a Dodge County community. To discuss your project, contact executive director, Garry Clark at 402.753.8126 or
We would like to thank the State of Nebraska and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, the Greater Fremont Development Council Board of Directors and Investors and the following local match fund contributors: City of Fremont, Fremont Beef Company, Fremont Contract Carriers, City of Scribner, Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, Lincoln Premium Poultry/Costco, Fremont Area Community Foundation, and First National Bank.
Garry Clark, Greater Fremont Development Council
ph. 402.753.8126
For application download and more information go HERE.