Nebraska Named #2 Best Managed State
2 Dec 2011
State News
'Nebraska Named No. 2 Best Managed State; Omaha Among Happiest U.S. Cities' The Cornhusker State continues its long string of appearances in the top ten of national rankings -- in categories other than collegiate football. In the online publication 24/7 Wall St., Nebraska has been named the No. 2 "best run state" in America.
The publication notes that Nebraska has the nation's fourth lowest state debt per capita and the second lowest unemployment rate. Nebraska "is one of 13 states with a perfect AAA credit rating" and has "relatively low poverty, high graduation rates and the seventh lowest rate of foreclosures." Meanwhile, the hosts at Grow Omaha radio show on KFAB report that Men's Health magazine has ranked Omaha the fourth happiest city in America, while Lincoln comes in at No. 11. Rankings are based on rates of unemployment from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The magazine also looked at the number of people who report feeling the blues all, or most of the time. Eight of the 20 happiest cities are in the Midwest and Plains states.
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