Creative cooking idea leads to successful business

12 Oct 2015

Community News

Some of the most successful companies begin when an entrepreneur finds a creative solution to a real life problem or develops a great product to make people’s lives easier. That’s how it started for Seth McGinn, developer of CanCooker.

McGinn is a farm boy from North Bend, Nebraska. He developed an easy method to cook food for a crowd reminiscent of the Great Plains cream can cookers of the past. Initially, he created the CanCooker for his own use, but soon all his family and friends were asking for one. That's when he realized the idea's business potential and started a company. The City of Fremont came alongside with an incentive to help with infrastructure cost at their new facility.

In 2014, McGinn's company sold 60,000 CanCookers! Learn more about this innovative Fremont company.