Careerockit: Connecting Youth to Future Career Opportunities

28 Nov 2016

Education News


Let's help our talent soar to new heights and rock their careers
right here at home!

CAREEROCKIT is a region-wide initiative to connect our businesses and educational community to meet current and future talent needs. Taking place April 1-8, 2017, businesses will provide 10,000+ student career experiences to...

  • Connect young adults with opportunities to gain knowledge for their future careers,
  • Create excitement around the great career paths available right at home, and
  • Provide parents, counselors, teachers, and advisors access to information and connections to help bridge our businesses and education community to better serve our students and young adults.



Proposal Workshops in Fremont December 8

CAREEROCKIT Experience Proposal Workshops
December 8, 2016
8:00 - 9:00 AM -or- 3:00 - 4:00 PM
First State Bank & Trust Education Center
More info & RSVP:
Morning Session
Afternoon Session

Open to all area businesses. Membership in GFDC or the Fremont Area Chamber is not required to be able to participate in CAREEROCKIT and all information sessions and workshops is open to all area businesses.