Gov. Heineman Comments on State Tax Receipts
9 Jul 2013
From the Communications Office of Governor Dave Heineman
CONTACT | Jen Rae Wang, 402-429-4701 | Sue M. Rouch, 402-471-1970
(Lincoln, Neb.) Gov. Dave Heineman today commented on state General Fund receipts in June, which were released today by the Nebraska Department of Revenue.
Net General Fund revenues for June were above the Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board projections by nearly $28 million, with $390 million in actual receipts versus the $362 million projected for the month. The state ended FY 2012-2013 above projections by approximately 7.6 percent.
When upcoming transfers are made, Nebraska’s cash reserve will be approximately $679 million becoming the largest cash reserve in state history.
Gov. Heineman said, “With the largest cash reserve that the State has ever had and a consistently improving economy, it is time to provide the citizens of Nebraska tax relief. Tax relief should be the top priority of the next Legislative Session.”
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